This Retro Recipe is Donationware. If you appreciate the work & wish to use it you may do so completely free of charge. Or feel free to support the development of projects like this where rewards include tech support for this recipe, early video access, music, merchandise, name credits & more. Cheers!

Ghostbusters Account Generator

At Perifractic's Retro Recipes bustin' makes us feel good, and a little ghost told us it does for you too. So we've resurrected this Ghostbusters game account number generator so you can print 1980s money once again!

  1. Choose a machine
  2. Enter a name in the format Lastname,Firstname
    (except Spectrum/CPC which use a different algorithm requiring a set name)
  3. Choose how much cash you want from $000,000.00 to $999,900.00
  4. You're welcome!

With thanks to fellow Ghostbusters: David Crane, Lars the 18th, John Scarfone, Matt Grandis

Balance $ 00.00
Account Number

This Retro Recipe is Donationware. If you appreciate the work & wish to use it you may do so completely free of charge. Or feel free to support the development of projects like this where rewards include tech support for this recipe, early video access, music, merchandise, name credits & more. Cheers!